It is located at Lugazi in Buikwe District, 42Km from Kampala on the Kampala Jinja highway.
About The College

- Mission
- Vision
- Objectives
- Location
To provide Scientific and Technological knowledge and skills for national security, stability and development.
To be a regional centre of excellence in Science and Technology for defence and sustainable development.
- To impart Science and Technology knowledge and skills to UPDF officers and men, which are required by the UPDF to fulfill its constitutional mandate of preserving and defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Uganda.
- To ensure the effective stewardship of institutional resources to meet the demands of UPDF capacity building.
- To establish and maintain collaborations, accreditations affiliations with/from other educational institutions and organizations, both local and international/foreign, to pursue opportunities for advanced studies.
- To ensure recruitment and retention of highly qualified staff.
- To enhance and strengthen civil-military relationships.
- To equip UPDF officers and men with life-long knowledge and skills, useful for the UPDF and life after retirement.

Diploma Courses (Duration – 2years of semesters)

Certificate Courses
- Directing Staff
- College Organisation
- Course Modules
The College is staffed with capable and experienced directing (teaching) staff drawn from the two services of the UPDFand from the sister states of Kenya and Tanzania. Additionally the College is supported by lectures from Makerere University, Kyambogo University, and Uganda management Institute, plus other visiting renowned academicians and eminent personalities. It is fully computerized with a ratio of two students per computer and full internet connectivity to enable students do their research.
The College is organized into a headquarter (Hq) with three wings namely the Coordinating Wing, the Training Wing and the Administration Wing. The College Hq is composed of the Commandant (Comdt) and the Deputy Commandant who is also the Chief Instructor. The College operates under the direction of the College Control Board whose members are HE the President and Commander in Chief as the chairman, Minister of Defence, Chief of the Defence Forces, Permanent Secretary, Comdt, Deputy Comdt as secretary to the Board and three academicians as co-opted members.
Future Plans and Challenges
The College intends to expand its infrastructure in order to increase future intake of student officers for the course from the region and the continent.
In its quest for academic excellence, the College is focused on continually improving academic standards. It is planned that in the near future, our graduates take on University degree courses concurrently. This plan will greatly enhance their future prospects of competing for jobs upon retirement from military service.
Course Modules
The modules are grouped into 4 terms running for 46 weeks covering 1610 periods of 45 minutes each. The subjects covered are:
- Air operations
- African Traditional Institutions
- Communication
- Intelligence
- Internal security and counter insurgency operations
- Joint warfare operations
- Land operations
- Leadership, Command and Management
- Logistics
- Maritime operations
- Movement
- National and International Affairs
- Operational requirements
- Organization
- Peace Support Operations
- Service Writing
- Special operations
- Staff Duties
- Strategy and Policy
- Training